Saturday, April 09, 2005

And Now, Back to The News....

The weather has started clearing up and the LTF Commander has made it at least part of the way back. His absence is still glaring though and...well, not exactly glaring, the missions are still getting done but we need him to...well, alright, "need" might be a little much, it's more that we kind of got used to having him around and ....OK, OK, we had to dust off his desk and rifle through his papers just to remember how to spell his name. The poor guy just went out to check on his people scattered around the country and is now on day 10 of his quest to get back to Salerno.

We're managing to still get things done though, the Chaplain has purged the Lord's house of some evil doings at the hands of the Marines (ironically their unit call sign is 'Trinity') but that's a story for another day. Craig and I managed to start a war with the ACO, (people tell me that stands for Assistant Contracting Officer, but I'm pretty sure it's really Anti-Christ Ombudsman. The soldiers are studying for boards, new copies of bootlegged video's are arriving at the bazzar, and there was even a rumor of a mail flight, but that wasn't to be so.

Craig thinks he lost his watch this morning or last night, he's been looking for it all day. I didn't want to say anything to alarm him, but I think we will soon see a video on Jimminyzeera news showing a band of crickets in headscarves dancing around their captured loot.

Time to head to the Bucksnort, the NCAA Hockey Championship is on early.

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