Where do we go from here?
13 Jan 2008Where do we go from here?I have spent the last couple of months, contemplating life, and what my purpose is on this earth. My name is Glen Delaplane, I am Brian's little brother. You may or may not know the circumstances that have come about in the last three months, but I am going to give you my perspective. My brother was my mentor. I admired him for what he had done in life, and compared my progress in life to his. Brian was someone that I could count on to give me an honest answer whether or not I wanted to here it. He gave me advice, and helped my become the person that I am today.I have told people that the moments that are the hardest are the moments that you would have spent with him. For me those times were too far, and few between. I find myself in certain circumstances that I would have previously fired off an email or made a phone call, to find out what his opinon was. Unfortunatly those moments now leave my in a place of grief for the loss of my bother, and a place of loneliness due the obvious fact that I will not be able to gain his opinon or advice, except by looking back to what he has already told me.Even now I find myself learning from my brother's experiences. What I have learned in the past few months is to not take life for granted. Most of the time that we spend in life involves maintaining our selves, and our lifestyle, but there are those moments that we experience in between the lines of this thing that we call life. Those moments are what we should live for. Watching your first child born, realizing that you are now called "dad". Helping your little girl learn how to ride a bike. Laying on the grass watching the clouds go by, trying to see the bunny rabbit that was just pointed out. The moments are endless, but they will pass you by without you even noticing them. What I have learned from Brian, is that the things that we remember are not the things that we have, the places that we have gone, or how successful we have become. What we remember are the moments. The ones that passed us by, and the ones that we caught. Don't let the moments of life pass you by.
Posted by Disciple186 at 8:15 PM